Construction technology business

Enrich your "life" with systems and data
In the construction technology business, we use "system x data" to solve the repeated scandals and persistent industrial accidents in the housing industry, and provide safety and security to workers and residents. That is the mission of the construction technology business. We will continue to create new value in order to respond to needs that change with the times with the GeoWeb System.
Business domain
Residential ground system solution
BPR by rebuilding core business systems
Development of surveying app
Housing inspection system solution
GPS module development

Value provided by our business
Reliable data
Improving work efficiency on site and in-house work
Growth strategy
Always imagine the future and create new things necessary to realize that future.
New entry into related industries (real estate industry, surveying industry) based on existing systems.
Proceed with the development of services aimed at realizing automation and unmanned operation in the field of ground investigation and ground improvement work.
Strengthen collaboration with third parties and advance the development of new products and services.
Aim to create new markets and expand growth opportunities through new business “4DKanKan”.