Privacy Policy
Personal information protection policy
Ⅰ.Privacy Policy
As a company that handles personal information, we recognize the importance of personal information and our responsibility to protect privacy, and strive to appropriately handle and protect the personal information of our customers and business partners.
1.Legal Compliance
We recognize that proper management of personal information is part of compliance, and comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the Guidelines of the Personal Information Protection Commission, and we will establish internal regulations and other internal rules regarding the handling of personal information and ensure that all officers and employees are fully aware of them. We will continue to maintain this and strive to improve it.
2.Acquisition of Personal Information
Our company only acquires personal information through appropriate means and does not acquire it through illegal means. In addition, we will responsibly manage and retain the personal information we have obtained.
Collecting personal information from websites
On our website, we use cookies and other tracking technologies (e.g. web beacons) to help us improve our services and provide services that are more tailored to your interests and needs by understanding the usage status of the services we provide. Cookies are also used for the purpose of distributing notices (advertisements) to people who have used our website in the past, using the advertising services of advertising distribution companies. These cookies and web beacons do not obtain personally identifiable information or have any negative impact on your computer. You can also refuse to receive cookies by setting your internet viewing software (browser).
By understanding the usage status of the services we provide, all pages, including the inquiry form, as a reference to improve our services and provide services that are more suited to the interests and needs of our users are compatible with the encryption technology "SSL" in our website. Personal information entered by customers, such as name, address, or telephone number, is automatically encrypted before being sent or received, so even if the transmitted data is intercepted by a third party, there is no need to worry about the contents being stolen.
Acquisition of Log
By understanding the usage status of the services we provide, all pages, including the inquiry form, as a reference to improve our services and provide services that are more suited to the interests and needs of our users are compatible with the encryption technology "SSL" in our website. Personal information entered by customers, such as name, address, or telephone number, is automatically encrypted before being sent or received, so even if the transmitted data is intercepted by a third party, there is no need to worry about the contents being stolen.
3.Use of Personal Information
When we use the personal information of our customers and business partners, we will use it appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use and in accordance with laws and regulations, and we will not use it for purposes beyond the scope of that purpose. For the purpose of use of personal information at our company, please refer to [Purpose of Using Personal Information].
4.Joint Use of Personal Information
We may share personal information received from our customers and business partners among our group companies. For information on the joint use of personal information by our company, please refer to [Joint Use of Personal Information].
5.Disclosure of Personal Information to the Third Parties
Our company will not disclose or provide personal information provided by customers to the third parties except in the following cases.
- When consent is obtained from the customer
- When disclosing in a state where the individual customer cannot be identified (statistical data, etc.)
- When deemed necessary based on laws and regulations.
- When providing information to an outsourcing company to which we have outsourced operations for business.
(Note) When we outsource regarding the management system of external contractors, we sign non-disclosure agreements with outsourcing companies to prevent information leaks and outflows, and we regularly hold security discussions with outsourcing companies to strive to strengthen the contracts.
6.Disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of personal information, and suspension of use or erase of personal information
When a person requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of personal information held by the Company, the Company will endeavor to provide an appropriate and prompt response after confirming the identity of such person. As for requests regarding these matters, please look at [Contact for inquiries regarding requests for disclosure of personal information and inquiry for personal information].
7..Protection of Personal Information
Our company will take appropriate security control measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc.
8.Customer Responsibilities
Our website may have links to other websites, but please check how they handle personal information at the the linked sites on your own. Use of our website is at your own risk. We are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of various information obtained using your personal information from our website and other websites linked to our website.
Our company may review and revise the above policy from time to time. All revisions will be announced on this page.
3-2-24 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 135-0061
SAAF Holdings Co., Ltd.
Representative Director and President
Toshimori Mae
Ⅱ.Handling Personal Information
1.Purpose of Using Personal Information
- Consulting of corporate management
- Operation consulting for administrative agencies such as the country and public organizations
- Consulting services of information system
- Design, development, rental, maintenance, and operation management services for information work.
- Operation of procuring and selling computers and related equipment.
- Survey, research, education, and training related to the above items
- Consignment of the following services based on outsourcing from medical, nursing care, welfare, etc. facilities.
- Building systems related to medical care, nursing care, and welfare
- Consulting and marketing related to medical care, nursing care, and welfare
- Medical affairs, accounting affairs, document management
- Work related to research, collection, and provision of various information
- Publishing business ・Securities holding and investment
- Business for dispatching workers
- Business and consulting related to property buying and selling, property lease management, and property brokerage
- Investment business for companies
- Advertising agency business
- Planning and production of various events
- Sales of health equipment
- Research and planning regarding investment in industrial development business
- Comprehensive leasing business
- Information provision service regarding recruitment of human resources
- Non-life insurance agency business
- Work related to paid employment placement
- Manufacture, sales, sales agency, and import/export of cement, steel frames, and other civil engineering and construction materials
- Manufacture, sales, sales agency, import/export, maintenance and leasing business of civil engineering and construction machinery and machine tools
- Design, construction and contracting of civil engineering construction work
- Buying and selling business of secondhand goods
- Sales of goods
- Investments, loans, guarantees, and underwriting of investments and loans, intermediation/ mediation, and management guidancefor companies.
- Business management, office work, finance, accounting, sales, general affairs, human resources, and business development contract work, guidance, training, and consulting
- Surveying
- Investigation and improvement work on soil and groundwater contamination
- Import agency business and imported product sales business
- Ground survey business
- Investigation, calculation, and negotiation of land loss compensation
- Investigation, calculation, and negotiation of business losses such as damage from civil engineering and construction work and ground subsidence, ground investigation, and guarantee service for damage to buildings due to uneven subsidence of the residential ground during reinforcement work and ground repair
- Guarantee service for building damage, repair, expansion and renovation, renovation, and building completion in general housing, apartment complexes, and residential buildings with shops
- Design, construction, and supervision of civil engineering work, ground improvement work, pile work, and other ground reinforcement work
- Certification of ground investigation and ground improvement construction records
- Concrete strength testing service
- Inspector duties stipulated in the Act on Assurance of Performance of Specified Housing Defect Warranty
- Evaluator duties stipulated in the Act on Promotion of Housing Quality Assurance, etc.
- Building inspection and consulting services
- Sales, design and construction of housing equipment (heating and cooling equipment, air conditioning equipment, kitchen equipment, sanitary equipment, water heaters, water supply and drainage equipment, etc.), and warranty services
- Sales of natural refrigerant gas and sales and design construction of refrigeration and freezing equipment using natural refrigerant gas
- Sales and warranty services for equipment and systems related to energy control
- Introduction and mediation for sales of housing and civil engineering related products
- All operations incidental to or related to the preceding items
2.Joint Use of Personal Information
Our company may share acquired personal information as follows.
- Items of personal information to be used jointly
- Name, address, date of birth, age, gender, telephone number, email address, and any other information obtained by our company
- Scope of joint users
- Our consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies
- 的Purpose of use by the user
- Purposes of use is same as those stipulated in the "Purpose of use of personal information" specified in the preceding paragraph, and are carried out in connection with our group's business
- Person responsible for managing shared use of personal information
- SAAF Holdings Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President Toshimoroi Mae
3.Matters regarding Safety Measures
In order to protect personal data from unauthorized access, falsification, leakage, loss, damage, etc., our company will take necessary and appropriate security control measures, including the following.
- Organizational safety management measures
- Establishment of an organizational structure for safety management and a reporting and communication system in the event of a leak, etc. and internal regulations regarding the handling of personal data
- Physical safety control measures
- Management of areas where personal data is handled, and prevention of leakage, etc. when carrying electronic media, etc.
- Personnel safety management measures
- Periodic implementation of employee training regarding the handling of personal data
- Technical safety control measures
- Mechanism to protect against unauthorized access from outside by restricting access and identifying and authenticating the accessers
- Understanding the external environment
- Regularly check on personal information protection systems of foreign countries, etc. and implement safety management measures
4.Contact for inquiries regarding request for disclosure of personal information, etc. and personal information
Our company accepts requests and complaints regarding disclosure, correction, suspension of use, suspension of provision to third parties, etc. regarding personal information at the following contact.
SAAF Holdings Co., Ltd., Management headquarters
Reception hours/Weekdays 10:00-17:00 (excluding lunch break)